
Some become completed thoughts, others not so much.


wicked and cruel: pirates and their dastardly deeds… the rest

A crop of the cover of East of Eden. The illustration depicts a man standing below a tree. He appears to be looking at his open palms.

Life and Legacy

As I'm reading the final chapters of East of Eden by John Steinbeck the question of legacy… the rest

A dramatic Baroque painting depicting Daniel in the lions' den. A muscular male figure in minimal white cloth sits praying amid several large lions in a dark cave. The lions, painted in rich golden tones, surround him menacingly, with some showing their teeth. Human bones and skulls lie scattered on the ground. A patch of blue sky is visible through an opening in the cave ceiling.


While some conservative scholars hold that Daniel existed and his book was written in the 6th century BCE… the rest


Great delight: his face lit up with impish glee.… the rest