Life and Legacy
As I’m reading the final chapters of East of Eden by John Steinbeck the question of legacy comes to the front. “…was he loved or was he hated? Is his death felt as a loss or does a kind of joy come over it?”
I think of the recent passing of Jimmy Carter. I was two years too young to vote for him in 197649ya, but I admired him and I have always felt that his fatal flaw as a president was trying to tell the American people truths they didn’t want to hear.
He was a thoughtful man whose legacy will be a far cry from that of our current president, an immature, cruel, and vindictive narcissist.
The irony is, all of Trump’s motivations and attention seeking could be explained by a pathological need to define his legacy. And every attempt he makes to control it, pushes it further into the realm villainy.
Having to do with: How to Be