Up early to make sure I experience all the satisfaction of the day after. The day after Kamala Harris handed that shit talking bridge-troll the one part of his body that isn't the color of dried apricot.
All posts tagged as: the-days
Venn the cat.
The plural of ox is oxen.
The plural of box is …
Looks like I'm getting back to a schedule more like I kept when I was coaching. A 4am wake up wasn't planned but I don't mind it. I don't really differentiate weekends from weekdays anymore.
Good morning all.
Good morning Micro.blog and Mastodon! It looks like it's going to be a beautiful day here in Lawrence, KS. Hump day! All easier from here on out!
This morning's breakfast. You can have some too!
A New York Morning in Kansas. 69° here in Lawrence this morning. I love going out on my little back porch and being reminded of boyhood mornings in Chautauqua, NY.
Our family would vacation at Chautauqua Lake. I would be out early looking for nightcrawlers to go fishing with. A very happy memory triggered by this morning's cool air.
What a gift to start the day this way. Listening to the solo performances from Bill Evans Complete Riverside Recordings.
The finest combination of beauty and genius.
Approaching the final steps of dismantling my coffee infrastructure. Down to decaf these last weeks. Time to replace the ritual itself. #removealljoy
This is the last evening before classes begin for the '24-'25 school year at the University of Kansas here in Lawrence. This is only significant for me as a marker. I'm not associated with KU other than that my daughter Marilyn will be starting her senior year there.
As markers go, the start of the Fall semester does have a somewhat melancholy weight to it. I don't experience Summer the same way I did when I was younger, but I still feel a tinge of loss at its passing. Vestiges of youthful freedom that defined that part of the year.
It reached 100ยบ here in Kansas today. It allows one to pretend that there is some Summer left even as our minds and bodies shift to cooler pursuits.
Wide awake at 4:15am. Might as well get to it!
On the way home from rowing practice this morning I came across a pair of foxes. They wouldn't stand together for a photo, but they seemed to be having a good time.