I hope someday Mount Rushmore is blown up and right down in front of the rubble, we put a little bronze statue of this guy. And please save any well actually sputtering for someone else.
He carries on.
I hope someday Mount Rushmore is blown up and right down in front of the rubble, we put a little bronze statue of this guy. And please save any well actually sputtering for someone else.
He carries on.
Amidst the destruction of a way of life, it’s the little events you didn’t realize would change, that really cut you. One is bowled over by the immensity of the wide-angle perspective, but knifed by the little realizations.
And felt even more dramatically by people of privilege like myself.
Right now, I’m trying to imagine how this species will celebrate its technological advances if after all, the first humans to venture out to the stars and inhabit other worlds…are Nazis.