In Moments

Was our constitution really this fragile? Yes.
Why has it not collapsed before now then?

Because we used to have control over our own avarice. We fought to preserve its tenets.

No longer. We have become complacent, weak, and fearful.
The constitution hasn’t changed. We have. The institutions and safeguards we created only worked when we weren’t so craven as to allow criminals to subvert them.

Otherwise, Elon Musk would have been dragged out of the building in cuffs, and if he managed to survive the wrath of the people, he’d be the one in Guantanamo. Trump would be losing his 3rd impeachment battle and most importantly, the politicians who were supposed to be on the side of the people would be on busses back to their home states, their heads hung in shame.

Having to do with:   My Big MouthThe United States of America