Time to completion using to solve my Django Admin tagging issue: Longer than I hoped.
Time to completion without Claude's help: ∞
All posts tagged as: this-blog
I've begun the process of back-filling my reading list here.
Oldest to newest. Going to take a while.
The new version of this site has been up for a while now with the Reading page remaining empty.
My initial thought was to do a plain Markdown list of what I'm reading, what I've finished, what I thought, etc. It's inline with a basic approach of simplicity first.
I've already moved my book list around a lot between Goodreads, StoryGraph, and now Hardcover. has a nice book tracking feature as well.
So of course I've decided to not do that and to add my reading history to my own database. It does fit the approach of POSSE, but I don't get the benefit of simple Markdown portability.
Still, I like the idea of having more display flexibility with the information...
Ugh. Just realized I never created a field in the admin interface to supply alt text for featured images. 1st project for the day then.
Finally ready to fling the first post up on the new version of my website. I say fling because I have a tendency to be a bit too precious about posting and I’m going to try and be less reserved. I think I’ve set things up so that posting without titles will behave in my RSS feeds. The goal is to reduce friction.
This post can get me started, and since I’m the only one who really cares about the old content, I can take my time backfilling it.
The photo is one that came through my feed from Kafka's Apartment Tumbler account. It sat on my desktop while I was building this new site, and I fell under it's spell. A beautiful but mysterious face.